Jason SteinhauerGegužės 2 d.  (antradienį) 15.30 val. Vaizdo konferencijų studijoje  (VU KnF 4 korp.) paskaitą (anglų kalba) “Fake History and Media Literacy”(„Netikra istorija ir medijų raštingumas“) skaitys istorikas dr. Jason Steinhauer (JAV). Paskaitoje ir po jos planuojamoje diskusijoje dalyvaus ir JAV ambasados Lietuvoje atstovų grupė, vadovaujama ambasados viešųjų ryšių specialistės Althea Cawley-Murhree. 

Paskaitos  anotacija:

Our era of fake news has also seen a rise in fake history – and through the Internet, social media and today’s numerous communication platforms, it is increasingly difficult to separate good history from bad, sound scholarship from shibboleth. Historians today are wrestling with this new media landscape. Historians are attempting to learn how to bring good history to audiences beyond the academy using new platforms, while also educating citizens on what makes for good history and what distinguishes it from narratives about the past that seek to advance a political or ideological agenda. This moment requires a renewed form of media literacy: one that empowers historians to understand the complexity of today’s media forms while simultaneously instilling a historical literacy in contemporary audiences that allows them to understand the complex ways in which the past can be wielded as either a positive or negative force in society. 

Svečiai iš JAV Vilniaus universitete Kaune lankysis Germanų filologijos katedros dokt. Jurgitos Astrauskienės ir prof. Loretos Ulvydienės iniciatyva.